YOGYAKARTA Not everything that is thought is needed. Because there are many and piles of things, thoughts become chaotic and cause fatigue and stress. Follow the expert’s tips to tidy up your mind so you don’t need to stress anymore.
As is the case when you declutter goods at home by selecting items according to their benefits. Goods that are not useful, can be stored in warehouses or donated to people in need. Likewise by managing the mind. In order not to accumulate, let go of thoughts that are not useful to you, the advice of psychotherapists and teachers of Shonda Moralis, MSW., LSCW. Add Moralism again, focus your mind on good things every day.
We have spent so much time in the past and many plans for the future. But think about what is today in front of us, sometimes missed. Moralist advice, when you worry about the future and are afraid to repeat the past, return to what is today. Launching Psychology Today, Monday, March 25, Moralis also suggests meditation that helps the mind focus more on the present.
Write everything, from what you do, worry, to the thoughts that come to mind. Write from the morning and keep this notebook next to the bed. This helps to share the mind when it’s full.
Many access social media via devices, not entertaining but actually making the mind more full. So it is important to make a screen time schedule. Or you can make schedules without accessing the device on weekends. With digital detoxification, it gives you the opportunity to grow creative thinking.
Whether it’s email, finance, documents, to socks drawer, it’s important to organize. It also helps you manage which ones are important and need to think about and which ones don’t.
In setting priorities, you may need reflection. Measure what you have learned in the face of this last year’s upheaval. Also think about what to let go and live. If you’re used to slowing activity, take one day at the weekend to rest and have fun.
Which is the main thing, it is important to identify because it affects the nature of mind, learning, community, and action. These four things, guide you in acting and determining priorities. In addition, which one has the most value also makes the action more controlled.
Pay attention to your energy levels when doing various activities and tasks, Moralist advice. If you like relaxation activities, spend time gardening or other activities. In addition, do whatever your activities are, from social to personal activities. If possible, do more things that energize and reduce energy.
The environment and nature bring new energy. Moving the body helps calm the mind and open creative thinking. For example, a morning walk to listen to birdsongs. Or enjoy coffee at a calming coffee shop.
It is important to be careful with the habits you choose. Consider why do it and explain the reason. Because by knowing our reasons for doing a habit, it helps motivate when the intention is weakened.
Those are ten tips for tidying the mind when it’s chaotic and piling up a lot of stressful things.
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