Cancer prevention: 7 tips to reduce your risk

Cancer prevention: 7 tips to reduce your risk

Cancer prevention: 7 tips to reduce your risk Concerned about cancer prevention? Take charge by making…

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Longitudinal trends in schizophrenia among older adults: a 12-year analysis of prevalence and healthcare utilization in South Korea

Longitudinal trends in schizophrenia among older adults: a 12-year analysis of prevalence and healthcare utilization in South Korea

Numbers of patients and schizophrenia prevalence Table 1 lists the demographic and clinical characteristics of the…

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Majority of black people think racism played role in failure to test for prostate cancer | Prostate cancer

Majority of black people think racism played role in failure to test for prostate cancer | Prostate cancer

Nearly two-thirds (62%) of black people in the UK believe racial discrimination has prevented them or…

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US trails developed democracies in healthcare costs for older adults | US healthcare

US trails developed democracies in healthcare costs for older adults | US healthcare

Older Americans spend more on healthcare than peers in 10 other developed democracies, a new Commonwealth…

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A Lancet study says half of India’s adult population physically unfit

A Lancet study says half of India’s adult population physically unfit

Half of India’s adult population does not meet the standards of sufficient physical activity recommended by…

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Urbanization factors and the vagaries of the rural health care industry in Nigeria: an analysis of the accessibility of healthcare services by older adults in the Nsukka Local Government Area

Urbanization factors and the vagaries of the rural health care industry in Nigeria: an analysis of the accessibility of healthcare services by older adults in the Nsukka Local Government Area

Urbanization is the movement of people to the cities from the rural and hinterlands and the…

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