For Indians, technology has also come in handy to achieve fitness goals. The country, which emerged as the third-largest startup ecosystem in the world in December 2022, is home to several health and fitness platforms like, Fittr, HealthifyMe and Fitterfly.
According to a year-end study by, Indians got 124 per cent fitter in 2022, burning a total of 2,48,62,19,657 kCalories (almost 250 crore kCalories). The 2022 data insights were determined by a survey of users spread across 50 cities.
Anjan Bhojarajan, Chief Business Officer of HealthifyMe, is confident that 2023 will be “fantastic and intriguing” for the health and fitness industry, thanks to new and improved technology. “The advent of cutting-edge devices will deliver a truly personalised health experience. We can expect nutrigenomics, gut microbiome testing, DNA testing and cognitive nutrition to be at the forefront in the next few years,” he says.
Calling health and fitness a “sunshine industry,” Fitterfly co-founder & CEO Dr Arbinder Singal says the need for healthcare can never diminish. “In the wake of the pandemic, while other industries suffered, there was greater adoption of healthcare services due to awareness. Today, more and more people are adopting approaches like digital therapeutics (DTx), and tech-driven healthcare practices to remain in charge of their health,” he says.
With the help of experts, ETPanache Digital decodes what health and fitness will mean to people in 2023.What Will Make A Splash?
Since the Covid outbreak, exercising has become more than just a means to burn calories. People have become more conscious and sensitive about working out on a personal fitness expert Spoorthi S says people have realised in the past two years that exercise is crucial to improve cardiovascular health, increase metabolism, improve joint health, better mental health and get better at performing everyday activities.

Good Habits To Follow In 2023
To make fitness a part of daily life, Indians are willing to shell out for gadgets, apps, software and programmes. People are buying fitness bands and smartwatches to stay ahead in their fitness game.
Health devices will transform how people stay healthy, says Spoorthi. “Devices such as smartwatches, continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) machines and ECG (electrocardiogram) monitors have been catching up with people in recent days. More and more people are using these devices as a preventive measure rather than a corrective one. CGM — which was mostly used to diagnose a certain type of diabetes — is now used to understand metabolism and how the body reacts to different types of food items,” she adds.
Dr Singal says that visiting a diagnostic lab to test blood glucose could soon become obsolete. “Wearables such as CGM give real-time updates about blood glucose levels without any need for needles or waiting time. The results are accurate and immediate. They can help people understand the impact of each food item they eat on their bodies. Such technologies will witness much higher adoption in 2023,” he says.
With the right usage, devices and technology will be beneficial to prevent and correct chronic health conditions.
Mental Health Matters
Being healthy isn’t always about exercise and food. Now, more and more people are realising that and prioritising mental health. Spoorthi of has seen an upward trend in more and more people asking for help. “More people are reaching out to therapists,” she says.
Having a disturbed mind or suffering from mental health-related issues can cause stress, abrupt sleeping patterns, and emotional and compulsive eating habits, ultimately leading to obesity. The higher your body fat, the higher your risks of hypertension or high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type-2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke, among other things.
Being overweight used to be a sensitive subject. But that is expected to change in 2023. Bhojarajan says that weight loss will be associated with body positivity, while Dr Singal bats big on counselling to lose body fat. The Fitterfly boss says that leading weight-loss programmes are now focusing on including psychology, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) driven by apps, and psychiatric consultations as a part of the strategy. “CBT will also enhance motivation for better compliance with weight loss plans. This trend will grow in 2023,” he adds.’s Spoorthi points out that health coaches are studying behavioural psychology. “This helps the coaches understand that getting someone to follow a plan is not just about providing them with the plan, rather it is about helping them in a way that works for them,” she says.
Mental health awareness will continue to play a critical role in the long term, according to Mimblu founder and CEO Yash Malhotra, as more and more people turn to online therapy services to address their mental health concerns. Mimblu helps people find a therapist. Malhotra says text-based therapy, in particular, is likely to become more popular. “It (text-based therapy) provides users with a convenient, flexible and anonymous way to communicate with a professional therapist about their mental health.”
The increasing awareness and acceptance of mental health issues will help destigmatise seeking help and encourage more people to take care of their overall well-being.

Rather than looking for quick fixes, experts suggest a systematic plan that changes the lifestyle and improves a person’s health.
Making Of A Mistake-Free 2023
Were you into crash diets in 2022? It’s time to say goodbye to them.
Instead of helping you shed the extra weight, crash diets will result in weight gain. Experts say crash diets are not sustainable in the long run. Explaining the effects of a crash diet, Spoorthi says, “When you cut down on calories drastically, your body thinks you’re starving. To cope with this, the body slows the metabolism. This leads to slower weight loss, and super-quick weight gain the instant you increase calories.”
Bhojarajan, too, says that following crash diets are one of the big health mistakes that people made in 2022. “Crash diets, extreme forms of intermittent fasting without correct guidance and going gluten-free or vegan without taking extra care of the micronutrient intake were some mistakes people made last year.”
It is wise to keep gut cleanses, detox kits and juice diets at bay. Health experts say they do more damage than good and burn a hole in the pocket.
Dr Singhal says the rise of social media platforms has led to a spread of unscientific and unadvisable health trends, like reliance on superfoods, avoiding certain foods without understanding one’s metabolism, and an over-emphasis on fasting. “Almost every fitness instructor seems to be pushing for intermittent fasting, and there is a trend of completely avoiding carbs. Barring limited benefits of intermittent fasting for some people, there are no measurable or sustainable results that fad diets such as Keto, Dixit diets or paleo diets provide,” he adds.
The mistakes weren’t limited to diets. Fitness bosses assert that people avoid taking extreme steps to achieve fitness goals this year.
Both Bhojarajan and Spoorthi say that overdoing a workout or extreme regimes can shock the body. While excess HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workouts that do not focus enough on rest and recovery can be detrimental in the long run, it can also have drastic repercussions on health such as hormonal imbalance and sudden weight gain.
Rather than looking for quick fixes, experts suggest a systematic plan that changes the lifestyle and improves a person’s health.
How To Start?
Often, when people start their fitness journey, they have an all-or-nothing mindset. Following a rigid nutrition plan and indulging in intense workout regimes can make reaching the goal a taxing job.
The best way to start is to find a balance and be consistent. If you cannot stick to your 60-minute workout, try including a 20-minute movement into your daily routine. Make healthier eating choices than overindulging in what you like.
Unless one finds a balance, Spoorthi says the fitness journey can be demotivating and pressuring in the long run, leading to non-adherence. “It all starts with knowing and understanding that every small and conscious step towards better health adds up to the ultimate goal. Ranging from playing a sport to just engaging in a walk, anything can be a ‘non-purposeful exercise’. On days that you don’t work out, this could be your go-to,” she says.
The best way to stay healthy for Bhojarajan of HealthifyMe is to focus on all the aspects of health — physical, mental, psychological and emotional. “When implementing any routine, listen to how your body feels, hear your moods out and follow only if it makes your body better. Else it’s not meant for you,” he adds.
For Fitterfly’s Dr Singal, a three-pronged approach of awareness, choices and results is the way to do wonders. “Being aware, making the right choices, and sticking to them consistently throughout the year is essential for getting the right results,” he says.
With consistency, results will be assured.
(Edited by Ram Mohan)